IPT презентация: Reactive Java Robotics and IoT на VOXXED Days Букурещ – 11 март 2016

VOXXED Days BUCHAREST ще се проведе на 11Robot_m март 2016 в Букурещ, Румъния. Тази конференция на разработчици ще събере на едно място популярни лектори, водещи разработчици на технологии с отворен код и професионалисти, които искат да споделят своето знание и опит. Траян Илиев от IPT ще представи лекция за Reactive Java Robotics and IoT в конферентната сесия Web & Mobile.

Презентацията ще разгледа Java Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) като актуален подход за обработка на “горещи” потоци от събития (hot event streams = event push model), директно върху  мрежово свързани/вградени устройства/роботи, с използване на Spring Reactor и RxJava. Към нея ще има демо на робот с име IPTPI (using Raspberry Pi 2 – ARM v7, quad core, 1GB RAM), който обработва hot event streams и е свързан с мобилен клиент за наблюдение и контрол.

Ето интервюто на VOXXED с Траян относно презентацията:

VOXXED interview with Trayan Iliev about the talk:

Q. You’re speaking at Voxxed Days Bucharest in March. Tell us a bit about your session.

A. Session introduces Java Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) as a novel way for building high-performance reactive streams processing for connected/embedded/robotics devices using Spring Reactor and RxJava libraries. It includes demo of running reactive hot event streams processing on custom developed Java robot called IPTPI (using Raspberry Pi 2, quad-core at 900MHz, 1 GB RAM): motor encoders, gyroscope, accelerometer, compass, and distance sensor events. More information about robots developed at IPT and RoboLearn hackathons is available at: http://robolearn.org/

Q. Why is the subject matter important?

A. Internet of Things (IoT) and service robotics are emerging game changers for many industries including home automation and smart cities, smart vehicles, agriculture, retail, education and sport. Essential requirement for the emerging device/process/service ecosystems is effective, efficient, secure, scalable and reliable distributed event processing. Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) becomes popular paradigm for building distributed event processing systems, by providing easy to use and composable higher-level abstraction for high-performance computing, and hiding complexities of non-blocking concurrency implementations. Reactor and RxJava are complementary reactive event processing frameworks providing feature rich and efficient implementation of reactive programming paradigm in Java.

Q. Who should attend your session?

A. Software developers or just robotics/IoT hobbyists interested in reactive programming and its practical implementation for high-performance (hot) event streams processing in Java.

Q. What are the key things attendees will take away from your session?

A. Better understanding of functional reactive programming in general, and state-of-the-art reactive Java frameworks in particular – with emphasis on Reactor and RxJava.
Practical “real robotic world” examples for functional hot event stream processing and (hopefully) amusement with IPTPI robot 🙂
Some background info and a lot of resources on java robotics and IoT.

Q. Aside from speaking at Voxxed Days Bucharest, what else are you excited about for 2016?

A. Practical IT education by building and programming Things, and sharing knowledge about it.
High-performance FRP and its applications for distributed (big data) computing for IoT.
Building own CNC router/3D printer/laser cutter for robot parts and IoT cases for all the friends around.