See the presentation of the BGOUG Spring Conference June 2017

The presentation of the BGOUG Spring Conference June 2017 is uploaded – Stream Processing with CompletableFuture and Flow in Java 9 by Trayan Iliev

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Stream based data / event / message processing becomes preferred way of achieving interoperability and real-time communication in distributed SOA / microservice / database architectures.

Beside lambdas, Java 8 introduced two new APIs explicitly dealing with stream data processing:
– Stream – which is PULL-based and easily parallelizable;
– CompletableFuture / CompletionStage – which allow composition of PUSH-based, non-blocking, asynchronous data processing pipelines.

Java 9 will provide further support for stream-based data-processing by extending the CompletableFuture with additional functionality – support for delays and timeouts, better support for subclassing, and new utility methods.

More, Java 9 provides new java.util.concurrent.Flow API implementing Reactive Streams specification that enables reactive programming and interoperability with libraries like Reactor, RxJava, RabbitMQ, Vert.x, Ratpack, and Akka.

The presentation will discuss the novelties in Java 8 and Java 9 supporting stream data processing, describing the APIs, models and practical details of asynchronous pipeline implementation, error handling, multithreaded execution, asyncronous REST service implementation, interoperability with existing libraries.

There are provided demo examples (code on GitHub) using Completable Future and Flow with:
– JAX-RS 2.1 AsyncResponse, and more importantly unit-testing the async REST service method implementations;
– CDI 2.0 asynchronous observers (fireAsync / @ObservesAsync)