Yearly Archives: 2015

RoboLearn hackathon on January 8-th, 2016 @ IPT Training Center

New Year – New Hackathon: Welcome to next RoboLearn hackathon on January 8-th, 2016 @ IPT Training Center, 19.00 – 21.30h. Lecturers: Leon Anavi and Radoslav Kolev Mission: This hackathon is about development of GNU/Linux distributions for your embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) projects using Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded […]

Java Web Programming Workshop from January 9, 2016

The Workshop Java + JS Web Programming: Servlet 3.1, HTTP, JSP, JSF 2.2, AJAX, JSON, WebSocket, JAX-RS REST Services, AngularJS will be held from January 9 till January 31, 2016. The Training is focused on developing of Java joint project – a web based business application to sell books online. […]

Cat and Robot

IPT RoboLearn hackathon on December 4-th, 2015

Welcome to RoboLearn hackathon on December 4-th, 2015 @ IPT Taining Center, 19.00 – 21.30h. Mission: The world is complex and dangerous for small robots. Two brave robots LeJaRo and IPTPI dare to start their exploration of the Real World. Help them to survive falling, hitting walls and obstacles using […]

High Performance Reactive Programming presentation at JProfessionals 2015

Trayan Iliev presented “High Performance Reactive Programming with Java 8 and JavaScript″ at JProfessionals 2015, November 22-th, Sofia, Bulgaria: SlideShare link: GitHub link for Demo projects:

Model-View-Controller (MVC) 1.0 Java EE 8 API

IPT presents: New APIs in Java EE 8: MVC 1.0 on BGOUG 2015

On the autumn BGOUG conference on Nobember 20-th 2015 in Pravetz IPT will present Expected New APIs in Java EE 8: MVC 1.0. We are expecting the new Java EE 8 to bring many enhancements boosting the productivity of web and enterprise development teams. The Novelties are: CDI 2.0 – […]

IPT Coffee-and-Code-Hackathon “Java Robotics & IoT” on June 13-th in Plovdiv

Trayan Iliev, CEO, IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies Workshop, All Levels Abstract: Coffee-and-code-hackathon for all interested in Java™ robotics or just curious about perspectives of this growing area of application programming. The session is planned as informal meeting where interested people can learn more about the platforms and software […]

Learning JAVA 7

Програмиране с Java 8

Курсът “Програмиране с Java™ 8” (3 модула) осигурява солидна основа в обектно-ориентираната разработка на софтуер и практически умения за програмиране на езика Java™. Включени са новостите в Java 8: ламбда изрази и поточно програмиране, както и generics, enumeration types, for-each цикъл, static import, autoboxing, методи с променлив брой аргументи, анотации, […]

Курс Разработка на разпределени и мрежови приложения с JAVA 8

На 7 февруари започва съботно-неделния курс “Разработка на разпределени и мрежови приложения с JAVA 8” (модул 3 на “Програмиране с Java 8”).Курсът е подходящ за участници с базови знания за езика за програмиране Java.Преподавателят е Oracle/ OMG сертифициран специалист и има дългогодишен опит в провеждането на фирмени обучения за големи […]