Trayan Iliev, CEO, IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies Workshop, All Levels
Coffee-and-code-hackathon for all interested in Java™ robotics or just curious about perspectives of this growing area of application programming.
The session is planned as informal meeting where interested people can learn more about the platforms and software libraries allowing robot and smart/connected device programming in Java, Python or C.
Three major platforms/libraries will be demonstrated/discussed:
1. LeJOS, Java for Lego® Mindstorms® –
2. The Pi4J Project – Connecting Java to Raspberry Pi™ –
3. Arduino –
There will be possibility to program (in you favorite language:) two small robots (
1. LeJaRo – small Lego® robot capable of grasping and moving small cylindrical objects, as well as sensing obstacles and scanning for different colors on the floor or in front of the robot (allowing to follow line path).
2. IPTPI – another small robot with higher processing capabilities provided by the latest Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (900MHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU with 1GB RAM –
The programming challenges will include:
– moving the robots in predefined paths avoiding obstacles;
– following an infrared beacon;
– following a red line drawn on the floor;
– to catch and move small objects;
– to speak and react on real-time events;
– etc.
It is recommended for participants to bring theirs own laptop (WiFi connection to robots will be provided).
It is recommended for participants to bring her/his own laptop (WiFi connection to robots will be provided). The necessary software could be installed in advance or during the session:
1. Latest version of Java 8 JDK. Environment variable JAVA_HOME should be set to the root directory of JDK.
2. Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 4.4 (Luna) –
4. leJOS EV3 Eclipse plugin – from menu Help / “Install New Software…” (see tutorial at Eclipse update site:
5. ARDUINO 1.6.3 –
6. Akka 2.3.10 for Scala 2.10 and Java 6+ –
7. WinSCP – free and open-source SFTP, SCP and FTP client (
8. PuTTY – free and open-source terminal emulator, serial console (
9. TightVNC Viewer client –
The access will free and open all the time and participants are welcome to visit the session for a while and go as convenient.