RoboLearn hackathon on January 8-th, 2016 @ IPT Training Center

New Year – New Hackathon: Welcome to next RoboLearn hackathon on January 8-th, 2016 @ IPT Training Center, 19.00 – 21.30h.

Lecturers: Leon Anavi and Radoslav Kolev

Mission: This hackathon is about development of GNU/Linux distributions for your embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) projects using Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded distribution building instruments. Yocto has been established as de facto standard for embedded systems and wearable devices. Information will be provided how to build your own device specific Linux distribution and software applications. For practical demo we will use Raspberry Pi and open source hardware circuit boards OLinuXino from Bulgarian manufacturer Olimex.

Have look at previous presentation about Yocto @OpenFest 2015 by Leon and Rado. Yet another presentation about creating new Tizen profiles for IoT devices using Yocto.

RoboLearn organizes hackathons on regular basis @ different places and with different challenges. We plan to organize Robotics and IoT hackathons each first Friday of the month.

If you are interested – please take free ticket  from Eventbrite.