Reactive microservices with Spring 5: WebFlux

On November 27 Trayan Iliev from IPT will present “Reactive microservices with Spring 5: WebFlux” @ in Betahaus Sofia, 19.15 – 20.30 h.
IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies has been organizing Java / JavaScript trainings since 2003.

Spring 5 introduces a new model for end-to-end functional and reactive web service programming with Spring 5 WebFlow, Spring Data & Spring Boot. The main topics include:

Introduction to reactive programming, Reactive Streams specification, and project Reactor (as WebFlux infrastructure)

REST services with WebFlux – comparison between annotation-based and functional reactive programming approaches for building.

Router, handler and filter functions

Using reactive repositories and reactive database access with Spring Data. Building end-to-end non-blocking reactive web services using Netty-based web runtime

Reactive WebClients and integration testing. Reactive WebSocket support

Realtime event streaming to WebClients using JSON Streams, and to JS client using SSE.

Lecturer: Trayan Iliev,

Oracle® certified Java programmer with 15 years experience

– developer of end-to-end reactive fullstack apps with ES6/7, TypeScript, Angular, React and Vue

– 12+ years experience as IT trainer for international software companies

– regular speaker at developer conferences – Voxxed Days, jPrime, jProfessionals, BGOUG, BGJUG, DEV.BG on topics as SOA & REST (JAX-RS), Spring Reactor, Java EE 7, CDI, Angular, React, high-performance Java programming

– Organizer of RoboLearn hackathons and  IoT ентусиаст (

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