Tag Archives : курс

IPT starts up a series of company trainings with Angular 4 and TypeScript in autumn 2017

The 5th edition of the IPT course Angular 4 + TypeScript is forthcoming. Those wishing to participate in a Saturday-Sunday edition for individual participants starting on October 14, 2017 may apply from http://iproduct.org/schedule/ The up-to-date version of the Angular Platform offers a unique combination of features and tools that increase […]

IPT Course-Workshop Design of websites with HTML, CSS & WordPress

Welcome to a Saturday-Sunday web design workshop from October 28, 2017. Enrollment from: http://iproduct.org/schedule/ The course Web Design: HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap and WordPress opens the way for professional development of the participants as web developers. It is shaped as a series of practical challenges including: conceptualization, […]

Angular 2 & TypeScript Course starts on March 26th

The enrollment for the new 4-th edition of IPT Course Angular 2 + TypeScript Web App Development is open. The course is aimed at JavaScript developers with practical experience in building web applications using JavaScript libraries. During the course participants will gain practical experience implementing reusable presentation components with Angular 2 […]

Course Angular 2 + TypeScript successfully launched. See materials.

The course “Angular 2 and TypeScript Web Application Development” is held in weekends for a group of individual participants with experience in developing web applications using JavaScript. The course will end on December 11 with a test which will give feedback on progress during training. The projects from the course […]

Advanced React JS + Redux Development New Course

IPT New Course “Advanced React JS + Redux Development” is designed for medium level JavaScript developers. This course presents the novelties in ECMAScript 6, makes an introduction in TypeScript, meets with JSX in depth and with the new in в React.js. The detailed course program you can see on http://iproduct.org/co…/advanced-react-js-redux-development/ […]

Angular 2 + TypeScript Web App Development Course from May 28

Angular 2 + TypeScript Web App Development will be held over four weekends. The course provides in-depth study of state-of-the-art JavaScript (ES 5 & 6), TypeScript and MVW Angular 2 JS/TS framework for rapid development of modern, mobile-first, responsive single-page applications that are easy to extend and maintain in long […]

Java Web Programming Workshop from January 9, 2016

The Workshop Java + JS Web Programming: Servlet 3.1, HTTP, JSP, JSF 2.2, AJAX, JSON, WebSocket, JAX-RS REST Services, AngularJS will be held from January 9 till January 31, 2016. The Training is focused on developing of Java joint project – a web based business application to sell books online. […]

Learning JAVA 7

Програмиране с Java 8

Курсът “Програмиране с Java™ 8” (3 модула) осигурява солидна основа в обектно-ориентираната разработка на софтуер и практически умения за програмиране на езика Java™. Включени са новостите в Java 8: ламбда изрази и поточно програмиране, както и generics, enumeration types, for-each цикъл, static import, autoboxing, методи с променлив брой аргументи, анотации, […]

Курс Разработка на разпределени и мрежови приложения с JAVA 8

На 7 февруари започва съботно-неделния курс “Разработка на разпределени и мрежови приложения с JAVA 8” (модул 3 на “Програмиране с Java 8”).Курсът е подходящ за участници с базови знания за езика за програмиране Java.Преподавателят е Oracle/ OMG сертифициран специалист и има дългогодишен опит в провеждането на фирмени обучения за големи […]

На 20 декември започва модул 2 на курса “Програмиране с Java 8”

От 20 декември 2014 до 31 януари 2015 ще се проведе курса “Java API и проектиране на графичен потребителски интерфейс” (модул 2 на Програмиране с Java 8). Все още можете да запазите своето място в тази група. На 7 февруари 2015 е предвидено началото на курса “Разработка на разпределени и […]