Tag Archives : raspberry

Presentation Reactive Java Robotics and IoT with Spring Reactor @ DEV.BG

On April 4, 2017 in cosmos coworking camp, Sofia Traian Iliev gave a presentation on „Reactive Java Robotics and IoT with Spring Reactor“.  The organization was from DEV.BG as part of user group community Internet of Things. The program included: 1. Robotics, IoT & Complexity. Domain-Driven Design (DDD). Reactive programming. […]

IPT Coffee-and-Code-Hackathon “Java Robotics & IoT” on June 13-th in Plovdiv

Trayan Iliev, CEO, IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies Workshop, All Levels Abstract: Coffee-and-code-hackathon for all interested in Java™ robotics or just curious about perspectives of this growing area of application programming. The session is planned as informal meeting where interested people can learn more about the platforms and software […]