Tag Archives : rest

IPT conducted Java Spring Training for Fadata in July 2021

IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies in partnership with MNKnowledge conducted Java Spring training for Fadata (https://www.fadata.eu/) in July 2021. Java training was intensive, in two weeks, and included topics such as: Spring Boot, Spring Core – annotation-driven, xml and programmatic bean configuration, dependency injection and lookup, Spring MVC, SpEL, […]

IPT offers a new Java developer training that introduces Spring 5 MVC, WebFlux & REST

The training introduces to enterprise SOA & web application development using Spring 5 platform. The main topics include: Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI), resources, validation, Spring Expression Language (SpEL), AOP, JDBC, ORM using Hibernate, transactions, Reactive Spring Data with MongoDB, DBJMS, AMQP with RabbitMQ, RESTful web services, […]

Презентацията “REST, HATEOAS & Metadata with JAX-RS 2.0” е онлайн

Презентацията “REST, HATEOAS & Metadata with JAX-RS 2.0”, изнесена на 10 ноември пред BGJUG, е достъпна онлайн. Линк към презентацията в SlideShare: IPT_REST_Dynamic_Metadata_Proposal_BGJUG_2014 from Trayan Iliev Линк към Demo проектите в GitHub: https://github.com/iproduct/BGJUG-REST-Demo/tree/master/IPT_JAX-RS_2.0_Demos