Tag Archives : web

Modis and IPT launch “Fullstack React, Express and TypeScript” Academy in October

Modis Bulgaria in partnership with IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies launch a “Fullstack React, Express and TypeScript” academy in October, 2021. ReactJS is may be the most popular JavaScript library for building Single Page Applications (SPA), with over 10 million deployments, used in 44.76% of Top10K web sites in […]

IPT conducted Java Spring Training for Fadata in July 2021

IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies in partnership with MNKnowledge conducted Java Spring training for Fadata (https://www.fadata.eu/) in July 2021. Java training was intensive, in two weeks, and included topics such as: Spring Boot, Spring Core – annotation-driven, xml and programmatic bean configuration, dependency injection and lookup, Spring MVC, SpEL, […]

IPT Course-Workshop Design of websites with HTML, CSS & WordPress

Welcome to a Saturday-Sunday web design workshop from October 28, 2017. Enrollment from: http://iproduct.org/schedule/ The course Web Design: HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap and WordPress opens the way for professional development of the participants as web developers. It is shaped as a series of practical challenges including: conceptualization, […]

IPT presentation: Reactive Java Robotics and IoT @ VOXXED Days BUCHAREST – March 11th, 2016

VOXXED Days BUCHAREST event will run on March 11th, 2016, in Bucharest, Romania. This developer conference will bring together popular speakers, core developers of popular open source technologies and professionals willing to share their knowledge and experiences. IPT CTO Trayan Iliev will have a talk on Reactive Java Robotics and IoT in […]

Java Web Programming Workshop from January 9, 2016

The Workshop Java + JS Web Programming: Servlet 3.1, HTTP, JSP, JSF 2.2, AJAX, JSON, WebSocket, JAX-RS REST Services, AngularJS will be held from January 9 till January 31, 2016. The Training is focused on developing of Java joint project – a web based business application to sell books online. […]

Курс Уеб дизайн с HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript и WordPress започва на 14 февруари

Курс Уеб дизайн с HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript и WordPress Курсът е ориентиран към творчески личности с интерес към уеб технологиите, без да изисква предварителен опит в тази област. Той запознава с актуалните тенденции при създаването на съвременно изглеждащи уеб сайтове с HTML 5, CSS 3 и JavaScript: fluid […]

Web Design with HTML 5 Sample

Нов курс на IPT: Интерактивен уеб дизайн с WordPress, HTML 5, CSS 3, jQuery и Twitter Bootstrap

WordPress (WP) е модерна и лесна за използване платформа (CMS) за разработка на интерактивни уеб сайтове и блогове. Тя позволява на всеки да публикува и актуализира свой сайт без необходимост от технологични познания. Като стандартна функционалност са включени регистрация на потребители, коментари, рейтинги, RSS фийдове. Предлагат се множество готови теми, […]