Using Context, Higher-Order Components and Observables with React Presentation on May 18

Presentation will discuss the best practices when writing higher order components (HOCs) and will present examples how to migrate from mixins to HOCs following React recommendations.

Topics include: maximizing HOC factories composability, using ES7 decorators, wrapping context DI in HOCs, handling async state changes using RxJS Observanels and separation of concerns between presentation and business logic components. Examples will be given using recompose, react-router, redux, redux-observable, themes and I18N (react-intl) through HOCs.

Speaker: Trayan Iliev, IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies

Organized by: React-Sofia Group (

Place: Puzl CowOrKing, bul. Cherni Vrah 47, floor 4, Sofia, Sofia (map)

Sponsored by: DataArt (