Single Page Application Development with AngularJS

Course Single Page Application Development with AngularJS has duration of 48 study (36 astr.) hours.

Траян Илиев - Certified Java SE 6 Programmer

Training is conducted by Trayan Iliev, Oracle® & OMG® certified software developer with 14+ years Java training experience for big international companies (VMware, Software AG, Anyoption, Comptel, Verint, Negometrix, DZI, i:FAO Bulgaria, Stemo, Globul/Telenor, etc.). Regular speaker at Bulgarian Oracle® User Group (BGOUG), Bulgarian Java User Group (BGJUG), jPrime and Voxxed Days developer conferences.
Schedule & Enrollment  

Target audience: Medium level JavaScript developers with practical experience in building web applications using HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript/ECMAScript 6, and Bootstrap.

Course duration: Duration of the course is 36 astr. (48 study) hours total. Training will be conducted in 9 days – 4 astr. hours each day.

Course Description:

The course provides in-depth study of state-of-the-art JavaScript (ES 5 & 6) and AngularJS 1.5 MV* framework for rapid development of modern, mobile-first, responsive single-page applications that are easy to extend and maintain in long run. The main topics that will be covered during the course include:

  1. Single Page Applications (SPA). Horizontal and vertical SPA. Introduction to Model-View-Controller (MVC), Model-View-Presenter (MVC), Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) – MV* patterns for development of more complex, extensible and easy to maintain web applications using AngularJS framework. Advantages and typical use-cases of AgnularJS as a complete solution for client-side MV* SPA development. Developing AngularJS applications with VS Code. Creating and bootstrapping simple AngularJS TODO Application. (3 h.)
  2. Step-by-step practical introduction to AngularJS, following the official AngularJS tutorial – Phone Catalog App. Starting with angular-seed project. Bootstrapping, expressions, templates, models, controllers, scopes, and directives. Web components. Using and testing AngularJS components. Project directory and file structure – domain-driven design and organizing code by feature/section. Using AngularJS modules to manage feature/section dependencies. Using external templates. Using filters. Two-way data binding using ngModel and ngModelOptions directives. XHR & Dependency Injection (DI) – using $http service. Minification-safe DI using $inject constructor property, and using array with named dependencies. Templating links and images – using ngSrc directive. Multiple views and introduction to routing – using ngRoute module and ngView directive. Configuring routing service provider. Uri templates and $routeParams object. Defining custom filters. Adding interactivity with event handlers – ngClick directive. Using REST and custom services. Adding animations using ngAnimate module, CSS transitions and keyframe animations. (5 h.)
  3. AngularJS in depth – angular-seed project and advanced AngularJS project setup and application component development with npm, webpack, and yeoman generator – using generator-angular-webpack-es6 (angularOcLazyLoad, tree shaking feature enabled, ES6, ES2017, SASS, UI router, bootstrap-sass, ngAnnotate, ngTemplateCache, optional angular modules installation, development and production mode configurations). Development and production builds, package dependencies and project configuration with package.json. Webpack configurations. ES6 and AngularJS modules – dependencies, imports/exports, creation versus retrieval. Views and templates, using external templates with templateUrl. Contexts and expressions, interpolation – $scope and $parse. Scope as ViewModel – main methods ($new, $eval, $watch, $digest, $apply, $on, $destroy), isolate scopes, scope hierarchies, events propagation, lifecycle, integration within browser loop. Data binding – unidirectional vs. bidirectional. Controllers – integration with scopes. Main directives. Directive types and normalization. Directives that create scopes. Components. Angular events. Forms and directives. Binding to form and control state. Form validation – builtin and custom validators as validation directives. CSS classes. Custom model update triggers, event debouncing. Implementing custom form controls using ngModel. (6 h.)
  4. AngularJS Services – built-in and custom services. Providing and consuming services. Dependency Injection (DI) – factory methods, module methods config and run, implicit, inline array and $inject annotations, using ngAnnotate tool to add, remove and rebuild DI annotations, using strict dependency injection. Using $injector, $provide, provides and decorators. Object persistence and query using services. REST and JSON APIs. Using $log, $q, $http, $resource built-in services. Promises and asynchronous event pipelines. Building custom services. Repository design pattern. Filters – using filters in templates, controllers, services, and directives. Creating custom filters. (4 h.)
  5. AngularJS routing – components, routes, outlets, URLs, links, navigation. Three AngularJS router choices: ngRoute module, component router, and UI router (state-based + extra features). UI router as de-facto standard for more complex AngularJS apps. State management and navigation – $stateProvider, ui-view directive. Activating a state – $state.go(), ui-sref directive, and by navigation in the browser. State configuration – name, template, templateUrl, controller, controllerProvider, resolve, and data properties, onEnter and onExit callbacks. State change and view load events. Nested states and nested views – children and parent properties, object (. dot) state naming notation, inherited resolved dependencies and custom data, abstract states. Multiple named views and paired states navigation – view reference scheme: viewname@statename, relative and absolute names. URL routing – URL basic and regex parameters, path, query, and state specified parameters, wildcards, using parameters in links and with programmatic navigation. Absolute routes (^). $stateParams service. $urlRouterProvider service – when (redirection), otherwise (page not found handling), rule (custom navigation rules). $urlMatcherFactory , UrlMatchers, and $templateFactory. Building SPA with more complex navigation requirements using UI router.(4 h.)
  6. Building custom directives – isolating the scope of a directive, manipulating DOM, wrapping existing content, adding event listeners. Using built-in services $location, $sce and $compile. Transclusion. Creating embedded custom directives that communicate – using $compile service and Directive Definition Object properties (priority, restrict, template, scope, bindToController, controller, controllerAs, require – ?, ^, ^^, ?^, ?^^, transclude, compile, link). Pre- and post-linking functions. Controller lifecycle hooks – $onInit, $onChanges, $onDestroy, $postLink. (4 h.)
  7. Test Driven Development (TDD) – unit/end-to-end testing AngularJS classes and components using Jasmine, Karma, angular-mocks (ngMock) and Protractor. Separation of concerns and dependency injection. Testing controllers, services, filters and directives. Using beforeAll(). Testing transclusion, external template, and embedded directives – tips and tricks, debugging. Using karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor to pre-compile HTML templates. Testing promises and asynchronous behavior. Review of sample AngularJS GitHub example projects (bigger ones). (4 h.)
  8. Wrapping up – developing AngularJS SPA. i18n and l10n. Includes. Security. Applying animations – CSS and JavaScript animations. Advanced concepts – Shadow DOM, lazy loading, Google Material Design. (4 h.)
  9. Final test + practical problem + discussion of additional questions. (2 astr. h.)

The course contains 50% lecture materials and 50% lab exercises. Lectures and exercises will be conducted in parallel and will not be divided in separate sessions in order to achieve immediate reinforcement of new concepts with practical examples and problem solving activities.

During the course participants will get practical experience using AngularJS 1.5 framework for building single page applications by solving problems and exercises. The learning is conducted in small groups – up to 8 participants using problem-based methodology. During the workshop there will be opportunity for discussion of additional questions the participants are interested in. At the end of the course participants are expected to solve a practical problem – develop simple SPA with AngularJS and routing.

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