Траян Илиев ще представи темата Reactive Java for The Realtime в секцията Design and Development на тазгодишната есенна конференция на българските потребители на Oracle. Презентацията е в петък 16 ноември 2018 г. от 12.30 ч в зала D.
Presentation introduces to high-performance, non-blocking realtime event streaming with Java. Different implementation alternatives are compared including low-level approaches like CompletableFutures and Disruptor, and high-level reactive programming libraries like RxJava and Reactor. Pros and cons of different
approaches are compared. Examples are given how to build from scratch reactive pipelines for distributed realtime event processing.
Session concludes with a more complex Internet of Things (IoT) demo showing hot to build a scalable distributed architecture for processing of sensor data and actuator control commands using reactive processing pipelines, message queues and data visualization technologies.