Full-stack Development with Node.js and React.js

Saturday-Sunday, 5 weeks (40 hours). Price: 450 leva.

Траян Илиев - Certified Java SE 6 Programmer

Training is conducted by Trayan Iliev, Oracle® & OMG® certified software developer with 15+ years enterprise training experience (VMWare, Software AG, Telenor, etc.). Regular speaker at developer conferences: Voxxed Days, jPrime, jProfessionals, BGOUG, BGJUG on topics as React, Redux, Angular 2, Ionic 2, SOA & REST, high-performance reactive JavaScript & Java programming.

Schedule & Enrollment


Course Fullstack Node.js React

Course Fullstack Node.js React

Target audience: Medium level JavaScript developers / students with practical experience in building web applications using HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, and basic understanding of SQL or NoSQL databases, HTTP, REST, XML and JSON.

Course duration and schedule: Duration of the course is 54 study (40 astr.) hours total. Training will be conducted in multiple sessions 4 astr. hours each day.

Expected results:

  • In depth understanding and practical experience building multi-tier web applications – front-end web UI frameworks, back-end service APIs, REpresentational State Transfer (REST), data repositories using SQL/ NoSQL databases.
  • Implementing reusable presentation components using React.js framework.
  • Practical experience with Functional Asynchronous Programming – using promises and observables, immutability.
  • Details of developing JSON/ REST service APIs using Node.js and hapi.js.
  • Ability to develop own full stack JS project using above technologies, and present the results.

Course Description:

The course provides in-depth study of state-of-the-art JavaScript multi-tier application architectures and development frameworks. React.js is chosen as front-end development framework for rapid development of modern, responsive single-page applications that are easy to extend and maintain in long run. The back-end technologies include Node.js and Hapi framework.
The main topics that will be covered during the course include:

  1. Object-oriented JavaScript – primitive types and objects, accessing objects by reference, properties, functions and methods, using this keyword, call, apply, and bind function methods, prototypal inheritance, polymorphism and method overriding, classes and constructors, classical inheritance and using instanceof, using this, EcmaScript 6 (Harmony, ES 2015) class and constructor syntax, let and var, function lambdas (=>), Promises. Brief overview of common JS design patterns: Prototype, Constructor, Module, Singleton, Observer, Factory, Mixin, Decorator. JavaScript modules – requirements for code modularity, module systems, loaders, and JS design patterns: CommonJS and ES 6 (Harmony). (4 astr. h.)
  2. Event-driven and asynchronous programming with JavaScript and Node.js. Non-blocking IO. Event loop. Using callbacks and promises. Node.js and npm – installation, packages, command line arguments. Running scripts. Using Node.js shell (REPL) – main features, modes and commands, defining custom commands, redirection. Using Sublime editor. Modules and module usage patterns, require, core modules. Global objects in Node.js. Developing hello-world web server using HTTP module. Routing requests. HTTP methods. Developing HTTP clients using http.get() and http.request(). Creating custom modules. Serving files (File System module) – asynchronous vs. synchronous, completion callbacks, using promises. Buffers. Main file and directory operations, getting read/write streams. Streams, events and pipes. EventEmitter, custom events. (6 astr. h.)
  3. Node.js server-side frameworks: introduction to hapi.js. N-tier architectores. JSON APIs. RESTful services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Node.js frameworks. Modular, plugin-based, and configuration-centric architecture of hapi. Main components: servers, connections, routes, handlers and plugins. Installing hapi. Creating hello-hapi HTTP server and sample plugin. Paths and rooting – HTTP methods, path parameters, handler methods, configuration. Using plugins – inert to serve static content, good and good-console for logging, vision plugin for template rendering, etc. Writing and registering custom hapi plugins. Validation using joi. SQL and NoSQL database integrations with SQLite and MongoDB. (6 astr. h.)
  4. React.js framework for building composable user interfaces using JavaScript and JSX. Single Page Applications (SPA) development – setting up a build system, defining front and back-end architecture (router, models, views), application design and development (views, APIs and models, router config). React main features and advantages – simple (just the View) and super-fast, component oriented development using pure JavaScript (ES 6), virtual DOM, one-way reactive data flow, MVC framework agnostic. React development work-flow and project setup and configuration – package.json, Babel (ES 6), Webpack. Building simple React components and TODO application. Top level API: React, ReacrDOM, ReactDOMServer. React.createElement() and ReactDOM.render() methods. Using JSX in React. Showing dynamic values. Composing components using properties. Building sample Comments application using official React.js tutorial. Stateful components – react states, setting initial state, updating state. (4 astr. h.)
  5. React.js in depth. Events in React, managing DOM events. JSX in depth – differences with HTML, transformation to JavaScript, namespaced components, expressions, child expressions and comments, props mutation anti-pattern, spread attributes, using HTML entities, custom attributes, if-else, immediately-invoked function expressions. Components composition in depth – ownership, this.props.children, React.Children utilities, child reconciliation, stateful children and dynamic children using keys. Transferring props. Using mixins and ES6 classes. Stateless (pure) functions as components. Where should we put state – common patterns. Integration with other JavaScript libraries. Using markdown__html, dangerouslySetInnerHTML. Ajax requests using jQuery. React rendering lifecycle and life cycle callbacks. Bidirectional owner-child component communication using callbacks passed as properties. Working with forms – interactive props, controlled and uncontrolled components. Using addons. Two way binding helpers addon. Refs to components. Novelties in React.js: Dependency Injection (DI) of custom application services using React Context. (6 astr. h.)
  6. Building Single Page Applications (SPA) using React Router – routes and components, named components, route parameters, index route, links, index links. Nested routs – nested UI components and routing URLs. Active links. NavLink wrapper component. Decoupling the UI from the URL by using routes without paths. Using route redirection to preserve changed routes. Controlling navigation and application state using onEnter and onLeave hooks. Route patterns and optional route params. Simultaneous navigation in multiple viewports using named routing components. Histories – browserHistory vs. hashHistory. Server-side support needed when using HTML 5 History API. Navigating routes programmatically. Using custom History implementations – coding state as route query parameters. Configuring Router programmatically using RouteConfig objects and setting RouteLeaveHooks to validate navigation. (4 astr. h.)
  7. React.js advanced.. Using immutability, shouldComponentUpdate() component method, PureRenderMixin and shallowCompare() to boost performance. Immutability Helpers addon. Cloning ReactElements. Animation addon – ReactCSSTransitionGroup and ReactTransitionGroup. Testing react components with ReactTestUtils addon – events simulation, mocking, shallow rendering. (4 astr. h.)
  8. Wrapping up – developing React.js SPA end-to-end project (front-end + JSON /REST server API + database). Internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n). (4 astr. h.)
  9. Final Test + Course Projects demonstration and discussion. (2 astr. h.)

The course contains 50% lecture materials and 50% lab exercises. Lectures and exercises will be conducted in parallel and will not be divided in separate sessions in order to achieve immediate reinforcement of theoretical discussions with practical examples and exercises.

During the course participants will get practical experience using Node.js, hapi.js and React.js frameworks for building full-stack JavaScript applications by solving problems and exercises. The learning is conducted in small groups (up to 10 participants) using problem-based methodology.

At the end of the course participants are expected to develop their own small to medium sized full-stack application projects using Node.js, React.js, and SQL or NoSQL database of choice (e.g. SQLite or MongoDB). Each participant will be provided opportunity to demonstrate his/her project and receive feedback and ideas from the instructor and other students.

During the course there will be opportunity for discussion of additional questions the participants are interested in.

. pdf Viewing detailed program of the course in PDF format (in a new browser window) For more information and registration, please send us an e-mail at: office@iproduct.org


Schedule & Enrollment