Trayan Iliev will present Distributed Pub-Sub Messaging and Logging beyond Kafka with Apache Pulsar, at the 7th edition of the PlovDev IT conference, November 30, 2019 in Plovdiv (
Resume: Apache Pulsar is an enterprise grade distributed pub-sub messaging platform, with a very flexible messaging model and an intuitive client API. It was initially developed by Yahoo and currently powers major Yahoo applications like Yahoo Mail, Finance, and Sports. It combines capabilities of a horizontally scalable distributed pub-pub messaging system (like RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, ZeroMq, etc.), with that of persistent logging platform like Apache Kafka. The presentation introduces to Apache Pulsar and its major features:
– horizontal scalability (millions of topics and millions of messages per second)
– strong ordering and consistency guarantees
– low latency durable storage
– load balancing
– multi-tenancy
– authentication and authorization
– quotas
– supporting mix of very different workloads
– optional hardware isolation
– REST API for provisioning, admin and stats
– geo replication
– transparent partitioning
– transparent message batching
Presentation finishes with a comparison between Kafka and Pulsar and a short demo.
Trayan Iliev (