Welcome to the presentation of Trayan Iliev “Fog Computing – between IoT Devices and the Cloud” on February 6th at 7:15 pm in Work & Share Coworking Space, 15-17 Tintyava Street, organized by DEV.BG.
- What are Edge, Mist, Fog and Cloud Computing – how they differ and how complement Fog domains and fog federation, geographically distributed wireless sensing networks, multi-layered IoT architecture
- Basic Standards and Specifications – ISO / IEC 20248, NIST Special Publication Draft 800-191, OpenFog Reference Architecture for Fog Computing
- Tasks of Fog Computing – Network communication, distributed computing, and information storage
- Advantages – location, low latency, efficiency, reliability, privacy, security, QoS, autonomy, openness, scalability, hierarchy and composability, flexible programmability, easy service and software upgrades
- Practical use scenarios
- Analysts and local intelligence on the periphery
- Distributed asynchronous stream processing of events and analytics in real timeLambda Architecture – Examples: Spark, Storm, Kafka, Apex, Beam, Spring Reactor and WebFlux
- Eclipse IoT Platform and Fog ComputingPractical IoT Demo of Selected Technologies
- Q & A part
- Networking part
The event is free of charge but must be pre-registered: https://goo.gl/r5J2z6