Presentation NGRX Apps in Depth – Reselect/RxJS, Router, IndexedDB, @Effects

Trayan Iliev from IPT will deliver a presentation about NGRX to Angular Sofia group. The June meeting of the group will be held on June 15, 2017 at 19:00 in Coworking space by Puzl.

The presentation will be focused on integration between Angular, NGRX, component libraries and supporting technologies, necessary to build a scalable and performant single-page app.

The theme includes following highlights:

– Composing NGRX Reducers, Selectors and Middleware;
– Computing derived data using Reselect-style memoization with RxJS;
– NGRX Router integration;
– Normalization/denormalization and keeping data locally in IndexedDB;
– Processing Observable streams of async actions, and isolating the side effects using @Effect decorator with NGRX/RxJS reactive transforms;
– Integration of Material Design with third party component libraries like PrimeNG;
– more: webpack, HMR, lazy loading, AOT

Trayan Iliev is founder and CEO of IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies. Recently he has focused on reactive programming of single-page applications (Angular, React, Redux), IoT and robotics with RxJS & Spring Reactor. He is Oracle (OCJP6) & OMG certified software developer, project manager, and trainer with 15+ years experience, organizer of Java robotics and IoT hackathons. Trayan is frequent speaker at BGJUG and BGOUG conferences (9 talks), as well as international developer conferences: jPrime, jPofessionals, Voxxed Days.