Tag Archives : machine learning

IPT Presenting Kafka Streams + ML @ DEV.BG

Trayan Iliev from IPT will present Scalable realtime data processing using Kafka Streams in DEV.BG on May 29, 2023. The talk will focus on integration between realtime event processing with Kafka Streams and Machine Learning technologies. The key topics include: >>> Big data architectures – Lambda, Kappa, Zeta >>> ML […]

Trayan Iliev presents Machine Learning with H2O and Spring @Java2Days on 22 Nov 2020

“Making Machine Learning Easy with H2O and Spring” will be presented by Trayan Iliev, Developer, IT trainer, and CTO of IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies Ltd. @ #Java2Days #Conference on 21-23 December 2020. Abstract: Machine learning is becoming a must for many business domains and applications. H2O is a […]