Tag Archives : Java

IPT conducted Java Spring Training for Fadata in July 2021

IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies in partnership with MNKnowledge conducted Java Spring training for Fadata (https://www.fadata.eu/) in July 2021. Java training was intensive, in two weeks, and included topics such as: Spring Boot, Spring Core – annotation-driven, xml and programmatic bean configuration, dependency injection and lookup, Spring MVC, SpEL, […]

IPT conducted “Java Spring Academy” Training for Accenture in June 2021

IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies in partnership with MNKnowledge conducted “Java Spring Academy” for Accenture (https://www.accenture.com/) in June 2021. Java training was intensive, in four weeks, and included topics such as: Java SE, Reflection, Functional Programming, Java IO (NIO, NIO2), TDD, Advanced SQL, ORM, JPA, Hibernate, Spring 5 (Boot, […]

Trayan Iliev presents Machine Learning with H2O and Spring @Java2Days on 22 Nov 2020

“Making Machine Learning Easy with H2O and Spring” will be presented by Trayan Iliev, Developer, IT trainer, and CTO of IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies Ltd. @ #Java2Days #Conference on 21-23 December 2020. Abstract: Machine learning is becoming a must for many business domains and applications. H2O is a […]

Presentation and Demo from BGOUG 2018 are available

 IPT Reactive Java IoT Demo from BGOUG 2018 Sensor data is streamed in realtime from Arduino + accelerometeres, gyroscopes & compass 3D, ultrasound distance sensor, etc. using UDP protocol. The data processing is done with reactive Java alterantive implementations: callbacks, CompletableFutures and using Spring 5 Reactor library. The web […]

Presentation at JProfessionals 2018: winter edition

The JProfessionals Conference will be held on January 27, 2018 at Capital Fort, 90 Tsarigradsko Shousse Blvd., Sofia, Bulgaria. The event is free of charge and is organized entirely by the Java Developer community. See in Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/events/1536334016401801/ Trayan Iliev from IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies will have […]

IPT offers a new Java developer training that introduces Spring 5 MVC, WebFlux & REST

The training introduces to enterprise SOA & web application development using Spring 5 platform. The main topics include: Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI), resources, validation, Spring Expression Language (SpEL), AOP, JDBC, ORM using Hibernate, transactions, Reactive Spring Data with MongoDB, DBJMS, AMQP with RabbitMQ, RESTful web services, […]

Reactive microservices with Spring 5: WebFlux

On November 27 Trayan Iliev from IPT will present “Reactive microservices with Spring 5: WebFlux” @ Dev.bg in Betahaus Sofia, 19.15 – 20.30 h. IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies has been organizing Java / JavaScript trainings since 2003. Spring 5 introduces a new model for end-to-end functional and reactive […]

Presentation Reactive Java Robotics and IoT with Spring Reactor @ DEV.BG

On April 4, 2017 in cosmos coworking camp, Sofia Traian Iliev gave a presentation on „Reactive Java Robotics and IoT with Spring Reactor“.  The organization was from DEV.BG as part of user group community Internet of Things. The program included: 1. Robotics, IoT & Complexity. Domain-Driven Design (DDD). Reactive programming. […]

Java & JavaScipt Reactive Robotics and IoT @ jProfessionals 2016

IPT CEO Trayan Iliev talked about Java & JavaScipt Reactive Robotics and IoT @ jProfessionals’2016 (December 03, 2016). The presentation includes: Domain Driven Design (DDD) for Robotics and IoT IPTPI & LeJaRo robots – reactive java/javascript robotics demo High-performance reactive micro-services development using Spring Reactor (high-level abstraction over LMAX Disruptor/ […]