Tag Archives : robot

Presentation Reactive Java Robotics and IoT with Spring Reactor @ DEV.BG

On April 4, 2017 in cosmos coworking camp, Sofia Traian Iliev gave a presentation on „Reactive Java Robotics and IoT with Spring Reactor“.  The organization was from DEV.BG as part of user group community Internet of Things. The program included: 1. Robotics, IoT & Complexity. Domain-Driven Design (DDD). Reactive programming. […]

Java & JavaScipt Reactive Robotics and IoT @ jProfessionals 2016

IPT CEO Trayan Iliev talked about Java & JavaScipt Reactive Robotics and IoT @ jProfessionals’2016 (December 03, 2016). The presentation includes: Domain Driven Design (DDD) for Robotics and IoT IPTPI & LeJaRo robots – reactive java/javascript robotics demo High-performance reactive micro-services development using Spring Reactor (high-level abstraction over LMAX Disruptor/ […]

IPT on jPrime 26-27th May 2016

Trayan Iliev’s  jPrime 2016 presentation shows example of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Event Sourcing (ES) and Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) using Reactor and Redux in a showcase of Java robotics – two small robots IPTPI (Raspberry Pi 2 + Ardiuno) and LeJaRo (LeJOS). http://www.slideshare.net/Trayan_Iliev/reactive-java-robotics-iot-jprime-2016 https://github.com/iproduct/jprime-demo Reactive Java Robotics and IoT  

IPT presentation @ Voxxed Days Bucharest 2016

IPT presentation @ Voxxed Days Bucharest 2016 – among topics discussed are: Domain Driven Design (DDD) for IoT & robotics, functional reactive programming, Reactor, RxJava, RxJS, reactive WebSocket services, Angular 2, Pi4J, IPTPI & LeJaRo robots. Presentation & Demo from Voxxed Days Bucharest, March 11, 2016 – Reactive Java Robotics […]

IPT presentation: Reactive Java Robotics and IoT @ VOXXED Days BUCHAREST – March 11th, 2016

VOXXED Days BUCHAREST event will run on March 11th, 2016, in Bucharest, Romania. This developer conference will bring together popular speakers, core developers of popular open source technologies and professionals willing to share their knowledge and experiences. IPT CTO Trayan Iliev will have a talk on Reactive Java Robotics and IoT in […]

RoboLearn hackathon on January 8-th, 2016 @ IPT Training Center

New Year – New Hackathon: Welcome to next RoboLearn hackathon on January 8-th, 2016 @ IPT Training Center, 19.00 – 21.30h. Lecturers: Leon Anavi and Radoslav Kolev Mission: This hackathon is about development of GNU/Linux distributions for your embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) projects using Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded […]

Cat and Robot

IPT RoboLearn hackathon on December 4-th, 2015

Welcome to RoboLearn hackathon on December 4-th, 2015 @ IPT Taining Center, 19.00 – 21.30h. Mission: The world is complex and dangerous for small robots. Two brave robots LeJaRo and IPTPI dare to start their exploration of the Real World. Help them to survive falling, hitting walls and obstacles using […]

IPT Coffee-and-Code-Hackathon “Java Robotics & IoT” on June 13-th in Plovdiv

Trayan Iliev, CEO, IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies Workshop, All Levels Abstract: Coffee-and-code-hackathon for all interested in Java™ robotics or just curious about perspectives of this growing area of application programming. The session is planned as informal meeting where interested people can learn more about the platforms and software […]